Thursday, December 15, 2011

Your 40–65 Year Old Smile

Your 40–65 Year Old Smile
DURING GENERATIONS PAST, the chances were very slim that a person could keep their own healthy, natural teeth for their entire lifetime. Not anymore. Fortunately, today’s remarkable technology and fantastic advanced materials, combined with a quality dentists’ artistic eye and extensive training greatly increase the likelihood that YOU will keep YOUR smile for life!
Sometimes, as we visit with you—our valued patients and friends—we notice that making various decisions about dental treatments isn’t easy. There are so many choices, and you likely hear lots of differing opinions. To help our patients better understand dental services decision making, we’ve set up a simple framework (explained below). We’re confident that this will help bring additional clarity to your decision making. And, of course, decisions are always YOURS to make. We just want to be sure that you have the very best information.

In addition to reading about YOUR smile’s phase today, you probably have family members, loved ones, and friends who are in the other phases as well. We invite you to pass the information along by sharing on Facebook!
The Must Do’s, The Should Do’s, and The Could Do’s
THE VERY BEST PART OF LIFE IS BEGINNING! It’s a great time in history to be this age! And don’t forget, as science continues to prove, the crucial role proper dental care plays in your overall health and appearance. So exercise, eat right, enjoy yourself along the way, and flash that gorgeous smile more often!
Must do’s.
·         It’s estimated that up to 3/4 of adults over age 35 have some degree of gum disease.  Work with us to be sure you don’t.
·         63% of “boomers” with an oral health problem considered to be an indication of a more serious problem, are unaware of the connection. Don’t skip regular check-ups!
Should do’s.
·         You probably still have silver mercury amalgam fillings, placed when you were a teen. Not only are they unsightly and can damage tooth structure, but some believe they may present other disadvantages. Work with us to systematically replace them with greatly-improved, durable white composite fillings.
·         Half your life lies ahead. You remodeled your bathroom after a few decades—it’s time to remodel your smile! We provide “upgrades” that will allow you to keep your teeth for rest of your life.
Could do’s.
·         Well beyond botox, breast implants, and viagra… Nothing makes you look AND feel younger than a beautiful smile.  It’s true. Today’s whitening treatments—often combined with one of many porcelain veneer options—can create a personal smile makeover that is truly your “fountain of youth.”
Our entire team wants to be your oral health partners for life! Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, if you haven’t already.

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